Tuesday, March 16, 2010

You have got to be kidding...

My jaw dropped when I read this story over lunch today. A brief summary; a New Jersey woman already weighs 600 pounds and wants to weigh 1000 POUNDS! She makes money to pay for her $750 a week grocery bill by posting video and pictures on her website where people pay to watch her increase in weight. She also sees no problem with this and doesn't think she is hurting herself or her two kids.

Since I still believe in the freedoms we have as Americans she truly has a right to do this. Where I get mad is when her health fails and she gets state assisted medical aid or disability payments. I feel that since she made the choice to become obese, then she should forfeit any assistance from taxpayer money. But in the end I have that horrible feeling that she is already on Medicaid or will make a claim about this in the future leaving us taxpayers to foot the bill.

Click here to read story.

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