Monday, March 15, 2010

A Mop, a Broom and Me

We're eagerly awaiting the arrival of Girl #2. Even though I've drastically cut back on my work hours (to about 3-4 hours per week), I'm tired all the time. It seems like there's a constant "to-do" list lurking around the kitchen or the computers.

At least I've taken care of food and snacks for the next week. In the past few days, I've made homemade granola, brownies, peanut-butter bars, spinich dip, and avacado dip.

Katie has become quite obsessed with fruit. One day at lunch last week, she had a banana, an apple and an orange! So yesterday, I made a quick pit stop at Aldi's to get 8 lbs of oranges, 3 lbs of bananas, and a pineapple. Between the three of us, this should last through the weekend.

Today I washed 3 loads of laundry and finished cleaning downstairs (which I started on Thursday). It seems that mopping the kitchen floor is the least motivating task! Hopefully when Bryan gets home, I can find about 20 minutes to quickly vacuum the upstairs and clean the upstairs bathroom. Then we'll be done until our maid gets here! (Can't wait to see you, mom!).

Projects still to do:
Clean upstairs
Pack hospital bag
Re-arrange furniture in Katie's new room
Chop carrots for lunches
Fold clothes

Oh my!

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