Monday, September 28, 2009

Houston, we have a problem

Take a look at these images and no we are not trying some crazy photoshop tweaking. Hopefully we will be able to have it fixed by the good folks at Canon.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Cozy Nook Farm

Today after church we went to Cozy Nook Farm. We got to see baby cows and goats and a lot of pumpkins. Katie really enjoyed seeing the animals and trying to pick out a pumpkin.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Time with Grandma

A few weekends ago Katie spent an afternoon with her grandma. They played and enjoyed an ice cream sandwich.

Eating ice cream from Bryan Bell on Vimeo.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Here is a short video of Katie learning to walk. Nowadays she rarely crawls anymore.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A little wager on our "feelings"

It's way too early to tell if The Deuce is a boy or girl, but we definitely have our ideas!

Ashley thinks it's a boy based on the morning sickness she's been experiencing. Also, this pregnancy definitely "feels" different.

Bryan thinks it's a girl--just because God wants it that way! (And for the next kid, and the next, and the next...)

If it's a boy...Bryan has to do dishes for a week! If it's a girl, Ashley has to take Bryan out to dinner at Bravo Cucina's with her blow money.

8 more weeks until we find out!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Version 2.0

With the highly successful and extremely cute version 1.0 (Katie), we are pleased to announce version 2.0. This new version is currently in the production phase with an anticipated delivery date on March 26th 2010. Please check back often for updates and photos.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Before Katie got sick we tried noodles. To nobody's surprise she loved them. Here she is eating spaghetti and Ramen.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Sick Bay

This past weekend Katie decided to get sick on us. Well it really started at 2:30AM on Thursday, but how is keeping track. Saturday we took her to urgent care. The doc there told us she could have an ear infection, the flu, a cold or teething. But she didn't have strep throat. How reassuring.

Sunday her fever broke and she started acting like her old self again. This morning Ashley and I got a full nights sleep. Katie finally slept for eight hours like normal. Hopefully she is on the up and up.

So how was your Labor Day weekend?

Saturday, September 05, 2009

The Best We've Seen Her in 3 Days!

Katie has been sick the last few days with a fever/virus. But about 5 minutes ago, she crawled out of my lap and began playing with her toys. Yay, Katie!