Monday, April 28, 2008

Living with Messy Kids

Here's another Focus on the Family broadcast to add to my file: Living with Messy Kids.

A couple of points that I took away:
  • Research documents that kids acheive more as adults if they are raised in organized, efficient homes
  • If a mom does everything for her kids (clean their rooms, do their chores) then kids remain dependent on mom for everything; they don't become independent contributors to their families, friendship or society.

Friday, April 25, 2008

What's new? Really?

Heidi Rademacher, one of my friends from Rhodes, emailed me today and asked the typical question: what's new?

I thought I'd share my answer with the blog.

  • Dad and Deborah drove up from Dyersburg last weekend for a visit. We went to my baby shower brunch and ate some yummy breakfast casserole and drank coffee-ice cream punch!
  • Our friends Beth and Mark Earnest went to Scotland for 10 days. We're watching their dog, Colby. I think Colby intimidates Shadow with his bundle of energy. He's always running around.
  • I'm trying to read more books on home organization. I'm tired of getting home at night and wondering what's for dinner. Emilie Barnes recently spoke on the subject on Focus on the Family's daily broadcast. Listen here--the broadcast is about 25 minutes.
  • I've known for a while that ground turkey can be substituted in most ground beef recipes, but I'm trying more to cook with it. It's way healthier and a little cheaper. Just today I bought 4 pounds of ground turkey for $5!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

31 weeks--we're almost there!

Sorry it has been so long since we've updated pictures. Here are Ashley and the Little Swimmer. As you can see in the background, we were watching American Idol last night. I'm glad Brooke staying another week.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Miller Park meeting

Ashley's district will be having its monthly meeting at Miller Park on Thursday. Play ball!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Checking out Ankeny, IA

Bryan and I are visiting with Todd, Melissa, and Ella this weekend. Check out this post!