Thursday, October 02, 2008

Grocery Deals

I did our Wednesday shopping last night, and again I must blog about the deals and steals; here you go, Michelle (and everyone else):

Kraft Mac&Cheese: 49 cents/box
Ken's bleu cheese dressing: $1.25
Juice (100% pomegrante--isn't that trendy!): $2.19
Frozen veggie steamers: FREE!!
Crest toothpaste: FREE!!
4 pack of peach dannon yogurt: 45 cents (total) or 11 cents per cup
10 pack of Quaker granola bars: 29 cents per pack

Also, I've got to mention the items we lost money on (bought without coupons), thanks to those "things we can't live without":

Kanuka cheese spread (extra sharp cheddar)
Yummy 8-o-clock coffee (french roast)
Pumpkin pie coffee creamer (our first time buying this flavor)
Old Spice clear gel deoderant (but it's worth it!!)

What are your weaknesses at the grocery store?

1 comment:

clark said...

Weakness..."Perfectly Protein" Vanilla Chai Tea...$3(plus) a bottle..Here's our funny grocery story. I had a meeting scheduled that was canceled last off I went to the grocery. Clark, meanwhile thought he would help me out so after he dropped the children off at school (you guessed it) to the grocery. I had just finished putting away $240 of deals and bargains when in walks Uncle Clark...yes, $180 worth. Yum! Yum! Yes, we ate it all..all 5 bunches of bananas and some two dozen apples. Margaret