Friday, July 03, 2009

12 Month Stats

Katie saw Dr. Sawall this morning, and charmed him with her smile. Dr. Sawall always asks patients to "bring a joke" to their appointment. Here's my joke (I made it up myself):

Question: "What did the cow say to the chicken who was trying to cross the road?"
Answer: "Why don't you mooo-ve!"

Dr. Sawall thought I was extremely talented and should think about a career in comedy. Here's the joke he shared with me:

Question: "What is one thing given to you but other people use more often?"
Answer: "Your name!" (I knew this answer off the top of my head).

Katie's a healthy, growing girl! Here are her stats:

Height 29.5 inches - 64 percentile
Weight 19 pounds - 17 percentile
Head circumference 42.5 cm - 2nd percentile

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