Wednesday, January 23, 2008

19 week appointment

Bryan and I had our 19 week check up yesterday. Here is what we learned:

AB blood pressure: Great!
Baby Bell heartbeat: strong
AB weight gain: approx. 8 pounds

As Dr. Martinelli was searching the womb for the baby's heartbeat, she kept telling the baby things like "stop moving so much" and "slow down." Based on the baby's squirrley movement, Anne gave a prediction on the sex: she thinks the baby is a boy!

We will find out for sure (hopefully) on Feb. 5th.

So far it's 3 to 2; 3 people think we're having a boy (Bryan, Dr. Martinelli and Cyndy, Bryan's mom), and two people think we're having a girl (my mom and Dr. Randy Prestash--Bryan's boss). I'm undecided.

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