Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The great move North

Well time has come for the great move north. We are getting outta dodge, well Memphis. Shadow has no clue what is going on, as all her stuff is getting boxed up for the move.

Ashley has been a packing and cleaning fiend. The entire apartment is in boxes and smells like cleaning agents. We have only one more night at Cabana land, crazy to think that I have been there for five years. But it will always have a special place, as that is our first apartment and where we spent the first year of our marriage.

Later on today we are picking up the moving truck. Some family and friends are helping us pack the truck tonight. Tommorrow we clean the place and leave for Dyersburg. From there we pick up some more furniture, china and Ashley's dad, Jim. Jim is helping us move and getting a taste of what we Wisconsinites call summer. So in two more days my beautiful Tennessee wife will be living in Wisconsin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dang. Too bad we didn't hang out before y'all left :(. I suppose it was my bad. Well, definitely drop me a line if y'all come back for anything. And I'll let you know when/if Elyse and I make it up there. Cya!