Former Memphis neighbor/friend/mother-of-four Ruth wrote me that she enjoys reading about my grocery expeditions. She writes, "I LOVE hearing about your great deals! I think it's motivating hearing about how you save money with coupons and shopping great sales. I think it's good for people to hear--right along with Dave Ramsey stuff! :)."
So I went shopping again on Wednesday for the Double Daze, and here's another list of my deals and steals from Pick-N-Save. Although I didn't make out as nicely as last week, here's another list of my deals and steals:
Green Giant frozen veggies: 88 cents
Baby carrots: 88 cents/bag
Baby carrots: 88 cents/bag
Lipton sides: 79 cents EA
Kellogg's poptarts: 50 cents/box
Pillbury rolls & cinnamon buns: 99 cents EA
Pillsbury strudels: 99 cents/box
Huggies: $8.99/mega pack
Although, like Granddaddy and Ruth, I do love Aldi's; but I can't justify driving 15 minutes to shop there...especially since our schedule only allows me to shop late evenings or on Saturdays when I'd rather be spending time with Bryan.
Try going on line to find coupon you can link directly to your savings card (no clipping!) in addition to sales and paper coupons. I do that for my Kroger card on P&G Savers and Shortcuts, and I am sure that some link to Pick n Save as well.
What a great idea, Linsi! Do you recommend me going to the Pick N Save website or to P&G website?
It's probably best to start with the pick n save website they may have a link to the site they use with their card. You just create an account and put in your card number and add the coupons to your card. You can ever print out a list of the coupons you have on your card.
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