We chatted about the usual--the weather, lack of rain and (drumroll) grocery shopping.
I am obsessed--not with grocery shopping, but with using coupons and sales to get groceries inexpensively or free. I mentioned the other day that I paid 33 cents for a box of Hamburger Helper...but also, I recently paid 15 cents for a carton of yogurt and zero dollars for a box of pasta. Huggies diapers are on sale this week for $10.99 per mega pack (72 diapers).
I must get this obsession from Granddaddy (Charles Haggard). His favorite past time is getting in his little red truck and driving over to Kennett, Missouri, (42 miles) to shop at the newest store: Aldi's. Granddaddy explained to me how much money he was saving by shopping in bulk at Aldi's. Recently, he bought cases of green beans, corn, peas, peaches and pears (25 cents per can). He also buys cream soups, tomatoes and sauces in bulk by the case. Why? Because it's a good "investment" since the local Wal-Mart sells items by the can for 40 cents and up.
Granddaddy has a generous heart because he doesn't buy all of these for himself. He enjoys stockpiling the goods for me and brother Jimmy (but mostly me) to go "grocery shopping" in his basement. When I spoke with Granddaddy, he made sure to tell me to leave plenty of room in our van so we can carry cases of the food back to Wisconsin. Even though I can obviously afford to buy my own can of peas, I know not to turn down the foods or explain that I don't need the goods. In this small way, Granddaddy is taking care of us, and he likes doing it. In his mind, I will forever be a college student.
I LOVE ALdi! How sweet of your granddaddy to look after you and your brother!
Hi Ruth,
He is the greatest. I didn't mention before, but my brother and I are his only grandchildren...so he has the time and resources to spoil us so!
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