Sunday, April 05, 2009

Daddy Comes Home Today!

Bryan is working as a National Board Examiner this weekend, testing students on their final (clincial) phase of becoming an optometrist. Katie and I are by ourselves this weekend but are not lonely!

Yesterday, my co-worker Ava and I went to a couple of cutsie shops in Pewaukee. Last night, 2 couples and their kids came over for Bible Study. Peyton loves balls--and he (nor his parents) care if they're kid toys or dog toys! I made dinner--spagetti sauce in a crockpot, garlic bread, salad, cheesecake and ice cream cake. Everything was delicious!

Here's Katie, waiting for Daddy to come home.

1 comment:

Lee-Ruth-Clark-Cal-Shanna-Haley-Elden said...

How did Bryan like being on the National Board of Examiners? How do you sign up to do that? Sounds like you had a great weekend with YUMMY food!