Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Early to bed, early rise makes a girl...what?

Healthy: check
Wealthy: definitely--by the rest of the world's standards
Wise: depends on who you ask!

Bryan and I stayed up until about 10 last night watching Lost. Actually, I listened to Lost as I painted the fireplace. Actually, I sponged the fireplace as a decorative attempt to lighten the room. After all that work, you'd like I'd sleep like a baby!

Which leads me to the fact that it's 4:43AM and I've been up for 2 hours.

There are a few more bricks that need painting, but I'm too lazy to stand on a chair. (Also, Bryan is asleep and wouldn't hear me if I fell).

So here we are...playing around with the blog and reading my RSS updates! (At least Baby #2 is back to sleep). Maybe in a couple of hours I'll make muffins for breakfast.

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