Sunday, February 01, 2009

Afternoon Frolic

The temp rose to 40 degrees today, so Bryan, Shadow and Katie headed out. Mom read a chapter of the latest Nicolas Sparks book while enjoying a cup of cappichino.


Lee-Ruth-Clark-Cal-Shanna-Haley-Elden said...

I bet they had a great time outside! By the way, I love the dark yellow paint with the white paneling (or whatever it is called) in your house! Is it the entry way/living room in your house?

Ashley said...

Hi Ruth,

Bryan is in front of the door that leads to the garage. To the left of the door is the white kitchen; to the right of the door is the family room, which has the Sahara-sun paint and white paneling. Confused? Then you need an in-person anaylsis!

PS--I could have totally used you on Saturday. I made some bread in the bread machine, and it was ruined! I don't know what I did wrong!