Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Katie 21 months

Katie loves to say cheese and get her picture taken and Ashley loves dressing her up in such cute outfits.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Family photo

Here is our only photo of all four of us.

My two daughters

Contrary to what some might think, Chloe does exist. She just doesn't like her picture being made. Just kidding, she really has no clue about anything yet. Chloe is doing great and Katie loves her little sister. Katie especially loves to help wake up Chloe, change her diaper and let us know if she is awake.

Sleeping baby

Shadow and Chloe are soundly sleeping. Shadow is such a great watchdog.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Chloe Mae Bell is 2 Weeks Old!

Sorry for the lack in pictures--we do have lots of new photos with Chloe, but lately our jump drive hasn't been compatible with my Toshiba.

Here's some fun facts about our little baby:

*Chloe eats every 3 hours, including twice a night. She's a pretty good sleeper during the day, but she sleeps best upstairs in her bassinet, where Katie's loud toddler squeals are drowned out.

*She is barely in size newborn diapers. When we took her to the doctor last week, she weighed 8 lbs, 8 oz (up from her original weight of 8'6. Speaking of diapers, she goes through about 10 per day.

*Chloe loves staring at her daddy; What Does Baby Do? is her favorite book.

*She enjoys tummy time on the floor. Katie also participates in tummy time.

And some thoughts from this mom of two:
*We might have to put out 2 garbage cans this week. In the past, we've only used one.

*Today we opened our 4th pack of wipes in 2 weeks. (Thanks to Pick N Save for putting these on sale today for 50 cents per pack!!).

*I need to expand my repetoire of dinners that can be made during the hours of 1pm-3pm, then refridgerated until 5 or 5:30pm.

*We have too much stuff (clothes, toys, etc). It's getting hard to maintain cleanliness in our family room. I've begun spring cleaning, and this is perfectly timed with the opening of Waukesha's new Goodwill Store. It's just down the street from us. Hopefully I'll visit it soon!

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Our Sunny Side Up Baby

Chloe came into the world sunny side up (medically known as occupant postexterior). In other words she came a bit "backwards," which meant a little extra bruising for us!