Thursday, October 27, 2005

Once upon an October dreary...

Wow, is it getting cold up here! Usually when I (Ashley) wake up in the morning, the temperature is about 45 degrees outside. And this morning, the ground was covered with frost. BRR!

I'm still uninformed about the rest-of-the-year job with Pewaukee...but as soon as I find out, I'll post it.

This weekend Bryan and I are going up North to Ashland again, to visit with Bryan's grandmother. Then on Saturday, we are bringing the grandmother home to stay with Aunt Kay.

Also on Saturday, Bryan and I are going to our very first party! A teacher at my school invited us to her Halloween party, which is in the neighborhood in which Bryan and I live. I'm excited about meeting others in the Pebble Valley neighborhood!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Job news!

I've been informed that Pewaukee School District is currently hiring 2 more English teachers under contract. Therefore...I'm applying! I'm so excited! I should know something by mid-October.

Other of my students has convinced himself I'm "out to get him." I'm not exactly sure why...probably because I have high expectations like making my students read their novels and paying the consequences if they don't do their reading...

yes, this is a strange teenager. Actually, I imagne him to be like my brother Jimmy when Jimmy was in high school :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

My classes

I'm sure everyone in the blogging world is wondering how my classes are going. Let me take a minute to talk about them.

First, I teach 2 sections of nineth grade English and 4 sections of 11th grade English. Since this ends up being 3 classes a day, my days are a bit easier than my student teaching days.

Currently, my ninth grade classes are doing a short story unit. We are reading "The Most Dangerous Game," which is about a hunter who owns his own island and hunts humans. I'm struggling a bit with things to do in class other than "read and do this worksheet"; I'm struggling becuase the stories are so short that they could be done in class while still achieving the same objective.

Also, one of my nineth grade English class is A LOT slower than another one...half of my students in one class have learning disabilities.

My 11th graders are more fun to be around. Each day I have one 11th grade class that is stellar and one eleventh grade class that makes me want to pull my hair out. But that's OK> currently, we are reading To KIll a Mockingbird. I consider myself lucky that the school year's started with this novel because I taught it last year at Snowden.

Does anyone out there in cyberspace remember reading TO Kill a MOckingbird? Do any fond memories stand out about this book???



Wednesday, September 07, 2005


I can feel it--comin' in the air tonight

Rain, that is.

As I'm writing this blog, the wind is blowing and the breeze is coming through the window with that lovely rain smell. Paper flies off the fouton, the window shades make a noise...



Sunday, August 28, 2005

Another holy Sunday

Well, this was a relaxing weekend before the first day of school--the eye of a hurricane.

Friday was a lazy night--we cooked a frozen pizza and enjoyed a movie on TBS. Shadow had a blast, not leaving Bryan's side.

Saturday was a productive day. We went to Delafield, near here, to do some shopping. I bought about $30 in school supplies, and Bryan found some great deals at Kohl's department store--he bought a wicking hiking shorts and shirt for a grand total of $8! Cool, huh?

And last night, Bryan and I went out to eat at a New China Buffet. We were both craving Chinese, but I think we had too high expectations, especially after being a frequent customer of A-Tan's in Memphis. After splitting with our $18 for 2 buffets, we soon exited the restaurant and took some tums. Yes, that restaurant is a mistake we'll never make again.

Today we went to Elmbrook Church. Bryan and I begin our membership class in about 2 weeks. It should be insightful. We enjoyed a lunch of leftovers before I began class work. After a while, we went on a lovely walk around our neighborhood where we went "househunting." Shadow chased a bunny (there's a ton of little rodents around here).

Well, I'm off to bed--I have an early morning tomorrow! I must be at the school at 7:15 am sharp!


Tuesday, August 23, 2005


It's official--I am a pirate. This is only temporary; however, it may become long-term, through the year.

In other words, Ashley is EMPLOYEED with Pewaukee High School as a long-term subsitute English teacher. I officially begin tomorrow (Wednesday), which gives me approx. one week before classes begin. Since I haven't begun my preparations, I am nervous about learning and teaching the curriculum...

Feel free to check out my high school: and click on "schools"

Another great point about my job: it's only a 6 minute drive from our apartment! That's excellent, especially considering the gas prices. By the way, gas is currently 2.70/gallon in our area.

Tomorrow can't come soon enough!


Thursday, August 18, 2005

Crab apples galore!

Hi friends!

We have a lovely crab apple tree outside our apartment complex, and I'm thinking of utilizing some of its ripened fruit. Any comments or suggestions? Does anyone know what crab apples taste like?

I found an on-line recipie for crab apple pie. Also, I'm going to try freezing the crab apples.

Wish me luck!


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

No job but new opportunities!

Well, unfortunately, I didn't get the job at Greenfield High. However, new jobs for teachers around the area are being posted each and every day online. This is great news for me, so I'm constantly working at home (yes, we do have internet at home now--yay!). Also, I'm selling books on, so I'm trying to keep busy.

Trying to keep busy is the keyword. Unfortunately, this doesn't work all the time, so I'm trying to read lots of books and learn new cooking skills. Currently, Bryan and I are reading Ron Blue's Master Your Money. Our friend Todd Schulz (who, by the way, moved back to Iowa with his lovely wife, Melissa) recommended the book to Bryan a couple of years ago. We are about half way through with the book, and we enjoy discussing it. Many of his concepts (live on less than you make, aviod car debt and consumer debt) we already practice. Hopefully, we will pull out more of his concepts as we continue with the book.

I recently finished Jonni McCoy's Miserly Moms: Living on One Income in a Two Income Economy. This book gave great advice on cooking homemade meals and getting the most out of your grocery budget. I hope to use a lot of her advice one day, eespecially when the day comes that Bryan and I will be living on his income (ie, when we have rugrats). She also has inticing recipies in her book, including how to make homemade jams. I hope to use this recipie as soon as I learn how to can fruits.

What else is new?? Oh, Bryan and I will be attending a new member orientation at Elmbrook Church this Sunday. Check out their website at The people in the church seem very devoted to the great commission and carrying out biblical teachings. In fact, two of the pastors have radio segments: one is called Telling the Truth, and I listen to it each morning. Oh yeah, another thing keeping me busy is talk radio! I enjoy listening to the ACLJ (counterpart to ACLU) each morning around 11am. At noon, the James Dobson Family Minute comes on, and then at 12:30pm, Dennis Rainey's show comes on. At 1pm, Dave Ramsey comes on air, and I enjoy listening to him and people who call in with their debt-free stories. They're so inspiring. Check out his ministry at

Hopefully soon Bryan and I can learn how to post pictures. Until then, I hope everyonoe stays safe and has a wonderful day and week!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Ashley's first interview

I am SO happy to announce that I had my first job interview today. The position is with Greenfield High School in Greenfield, WI, teaching American Literature and multi-media. I feel that the interview went well--I enjoyed talking with the administrators, sharing my educational experiences, and highlighting my teaching abilities. However, I did stumble on one question: What are my experiences with MacIntosh computers? Unfortunately, I have not used macs for 4 years. But I did highlight the software I have used on them, such as Adobe Photoshop and QuarkExpress.

Whatever the outcome, I know I am blessed to even GET the interview. I'll keep everyone posted.


Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Cool Wednesday!

Wow, today is a bit chilly compared to the high-90 degree weather we've been having this week. In temperature, we aren't that far from Tennessee!

Bryan begins work on Monday :) I (Ashley) am still jobless, but that's ok because the apartment still needs some tunning up.

Soon (within the next week or two) we hope to get internet in our home, so we can come to the library less frequently. The Waukesha library is a bit smaller than the Memphis Public Library, but it's just as nice.

Kudos to Nanna for sending us some lunch money! Thanks to her and Pappaw for taking us out to lunch "in absentia!" The sandwiches and soup were delicious!

Other news...we took Shadow to the vet yesterday. She had her main shots updated, so her bottom was a bit sore last night (but she slept well!). Also, we found out she needs her first teeth cleaning. Isn't it crazy that dog health care has become so fru-fru in the last 10 years? It must be a conspiracy to get into the capitalist, American pockets of well-meaning dog owners. Only in America will dog owners pay $227 every two years to have their lovely pup's teeth cleaned professionally.

Oh, and just so everyone knows, Bryan and I will be keeping our Memphis phone numbers until December. Evidently, Sprint requires their customers to RENEW their contracts each time they want their number changed. This is a HORRIBLE policy, and Bryan and I are so disappointed in Sprint that we plan to change companies in December.

So anyway, please feel free to call us at our old Memphis numbers!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Livin' the Wisconsin life

well, Bryan, Shadow and I are slowly adjusting to living in Wisconsin. After staying at Cyndy's for a couple of weeks, along with Darryl and Nicky, we found an apartment in Waukesha, WI, which is a suburb west of Milwaukee. Bryan has an unfortunate 25 min. commute to work, but our apartment is affordable, safe, and a little bigger than what we had in Memphis. We moved in Saturday, July 16. I hope to send out postcards to family and friends with our new address...but if I leave you off the list, please call us or Cyndy!

Shadow worried us the first night in our new home. She whimpered a couple of times in her sleep, and she (still) hides under the kitchen table (yes, we have a REAL kitchen table now, thanks to my mom!). But today Bryan and I took her to a local dog bakery (Petlicuous Bakery) and bought her a few treats. Hopefully she will warm up to the new apartment soon.

Speaking of our apartment, we're in an awesome location! Our part of town is close to the freeway (5 minute drive), and many new, nice shopping malls have sprung up in the past few months. We have a 5 minute drive to the grocery store (Pick-n-save), a 5 minute drive to Wal-Greens, and Sam's Club is 10 minutes away in Delafield. Unfortunately, there are no Super Wal-Marts in the area, but Pick-n-Save does have an entire ailse of cheese--yay for that! The local library is super-nice and modern, and the church we're thinking of joining is about 10 minutes away.

Unfortunately, the teacher job market is pretty dry for English teachers. I've looked on-line and in newspapers, and I've sent out about 10 resumes but have no bites. I will probably soon send out resumes for jobs in other fields. Thankfully, Bryan has a job, and he will begin work on August 1.

I miss my family and friends very much! Please leave many posts...or better yet, email us. Or even better, call us. We still have our Memphis numbers, but we will probably change them within the week. Have a great day!

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The great move North

Well time has come for the great move north. We are getting outta dodge, well Memphis. Shadow has no clue what is going on, as all her stuff is getting boxed up for the move.

Ashley has been a packing and cleaning fiend. The entire apartment is in boxes and smells like cleaning agents. We have only one more night at Cabana land, crazy to think that I have been there for five years. But it will always have a special place, as that is our first apartment and where we spent the first year of our marriage.

Later on today we are picking up the moving truck. Some family and friends are helping us pack the truck tonight. Tommorrow we clean the place and leave for Dyersburg. From there we pick up some more furniture, china and Ashley's dad, Jim. Jim is helping us move and getting a taste of what we Wisconsinites call summer. So in two more days my beautiful Tennessee wife will be living in Wisconsin.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Nashville trip

This past weekend, Ashley and I spent the last weekend in Nashville. Which was our last weekend in Tennessee as well. The two of us went there to visit my old high school friend and his wife, Tim and Linsi. They just moved to Nashville from the Milwaukee area.

We had a lot of fun this past weekend. Their place is gigantic and sweet looking. All nicely decorated. We ended up hanging out on Friday night and watched Dodgeball the movie, which was very funny. Saturday we went to the gran ol opery hotel and mall. The hotel is huge, and it has a small river inside the place. That evening we were going to go to a festival called taste of Music City. When we finally got there they were sold out of tickets. So after a long search we finally found the Golden Corral. All you can eat for $8.99, and the food was good.

Sunday the four of us went minature golfing. Tim had the lowest score, but the Bell's had the lowest total score and the only hole in ones. So we ended chipped in for breakfast at the Waffle House. It was great to visit with Tim and Linsi, before we left Memphis.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Ashley's new job

Yay! I'm finally in the double-digit-wage club!

Currently, I am working in the insurance department with Shelby County Schools filing claims, collecting forms and inserting way-important data. So this is what a $120,000 college degree can bring someone. Oh, well, at least I'm in better shape than Memphis's own John Ford.